The Lowest CO2 Footprint in the Business

Land Energy’s primary goal is to make clean energy a mainstream choice for both commercial and domestic users. By focusing on sustainable solutions, the company is playing a pivotal role in speeding up the transition away from fossil fuels. This transition is crucial to meet the UK Government’s ambitious emissions target of net zero by 2050.

Production Energy

Our pellet plant in Girvan is powered entirely by our biomass CHP plant that is fuelled by mixed sources of wood chip. This strategic investment decouples us from the pricing of conventional fuels and enables us to control our own energy and production costs.

It also ensures that virtually no fossil fuels are used in our production process and that our pellets have an ultra-low carbon footprint.

If you would like to know more about our approach to sustainability and quality contact us

Wood Pellet Sustainability

Reducing cost & carbon footprint for your business! Call 01465 716 010

Reducing cost & carbon footprint for your business! Call 01465 716 010