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Land Energy – Home-Grown Sustainable Heat for Homes and Businesses

Founded in 2006, Land Energy was seeded by a group of entrepreneurs passionate about doing something to reduce pollution caused by the UK’s energy industry. The initial focus was on biomass energy sources and creating a viable wood pellet manufacturing base.

We are now one of the largest wood pellet manufacturer’s in the UK.

Meet The Team

John Westmacott


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Richard McLane

Design & Engineering


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Simon Weatherseed

Group Finance


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John Elsden

Non Executive


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Hugh montgomery

Hugh Montgomery

Managing Director

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Our Objective

Land Energy’s goal is to make wood pellet energy a “mainstream” choice for commercial and domestic users, in exactly the same way that they currently consider conventional fossil fuels.

To achieve this, wood pellets have to be able to compete commercially and operationally with oil, LPG and gas.

We recognise that businesses and homes are under their own cost pressures and cannot be expected to pay more for renewable energy, which means that wood pellet energy has to be priced correctly and be supported by a robust supply chain.

It also has to be operationally competitive, meaning that biomass energy systems have to be as flexible and as easy to use as their fossil fuel counterparts.

The UK has come a long way in the past 15 years from near zero use of wood pellets to a premium pellet market of 700,000 tonnes per annum, a market which is still growing as businesses and householders respond to the climate emergency and switch off their fossil fuel use.

However, there remains a lot of work to be done before we meet the UK Government’s emissions targets. Land Energy is continuing that work to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels.

Land Energy logos

Sustainable heat for your home and business... 01465 716025